Dr Chamel Nicolas
email: nchamel AT ulb.ac.be
phone number: +00 32 2 650 35 72
Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics
Université Libre de Bruxelles
CP 226
Boulevard du Triomphe
B-1050 Brussels (Belgium)
Campus de la Plaine, Building NO, 4th floor, office 2.N4.202
Current positions
Senior research associate F.R.S.-FNRS and
professor at Université Libre de Bruxelles,
Member of the Alumni College of the Royal Academy of Belgium,
Member of the International Astronomical
Research interests
My research interests include:
- Nuclear energy density functional theory and astrophysical applications
- Equation of state of dense matter in extreme astrophysical environments
like white dwarfs, supernova cores, and neutron stars
- Crystallography of dense multicomponent Coulomb plasmas
- Deep crustal heating in accreted neutron stars
- Role of high magnetic fields on white dwarfs and neutron stars
- Application of the band theory of solids to free neutrons in neutron-star crusts
- Relativistic and non-relativistic hydrodynamics of
superfluid mixtures
- Superfluidity and superconductivity in neutron stars: microscopic description and astrophysical signatures (e.g. pulsar glitches)
Unified equations of state of catalysed matter for application to
nonaccreting and unmagnetised cold neutron stars:
Scientific publications
List of publications
Some reviews:
Entrainment in Superfluid Neutron Star Crusts: Hydrodynamic Description and Microscopic Origin, J. Low. Temp. Phys. 189, 328 (2017) - special issue "Pairing and Condensation in Fermionic Systems", Guest Editor: Eckhard Krotscheck
Superfluidity and Superconductivity in Neutron Stars, J. Astrophys. Astr. 38, 43 (2017) - special issue in honor of Prof. Srinivasan
Brussels-Montreal Nuclear Energy Density
Functionals, from Atomic Masses to Neutron Stars , Acta Phys. Pol. B 46,
349 (2015)
On the Maximum Mass of Neutron Stars,
Int. J. Mod. Phys. E 22, 1330018 (2013)
Chasing Neutron Stars, Histoire de la recherche contemporaine, Tome I-N2, 160 (2012).
Physics of
Neutron Star crusts, Living Rev. Relativity 11, 10 (2008)
- "Recent Developments in the Modelling of Neutron-Star Crusts" pdf
given at the working group meeting of the COST NewCompStar action, Catania, Sicily, 7-9 November 2017.
- "Crystallography of Neutron-Star Crusts" pdf
given at the Annual NewCompStar Conference 2017, Warsaw, Poland, 23-31 March 2017.
- "Superfluidity in Neutron Star Crusts" pdf
given at the workshop Superfluidity and Pairing Phenomena: from Cold Atomic Gases to Neutron Stars, ECT*, Trento,
Italy, 20-24 March 2017
- "Structure and Equation of State of Neutron-Star Crusts" pdf
given at the conference Compact Stars and Gravitational Waves, Kyoto, Japan, 31 October-4 November 2016.
- "Pairing in Neutron-Star Crusts within the Nuclear Energy Density Functional
Theory" pdf given at
the workshop Physics at the Falls: Pairing Phenomena from Neutron Stars to
Cold Gases, Buffalo, USA, 23-25 March 2016.
- "Electron captures and neutron emissions in magnetic white dwarfs and
magnetars" pdf given
at the 34th Rila Workshop on Nuclear Theory, Bulgaria, 21-27 June
- "Properties of Neutron Star Crusts with Accurately Calibrated Nuclear
Energy Density Functionals" pdf given at the
Annual NewCompStar Conference 2015, Budapest, Hungary, 15-19 June
- "Unified Equations of State for Neutron Stars and Magnetars" pdf given at the
16th RAGtime workshop, Prague, Czech Republic, 15-19 October
- "Recent Developments in the Modelling of Neutron-Star Crusts" pdf video given at the
INT Workshop: Binary Neutron Star Coalescence as a Fundamental Physics
Laboratory, Institute of Nuclear Theory, Seattle, Washington, USA,
14-18 July 2014
- "Vela Pulsar Glitches and Nuclear Superfluidity" pdf given at the
conference The Structure and Signals of Neutron Stars, from Birth to
Death, Florence, Italy, 24-28 March 2014.
- "Skyrme nuclear energy density functionals from atomic nuclei to neutron
stars" pdf given at
KITPC workshop: From Nucleon Structure to Nuclear Structure and Compact
Astrophysical objects, Beijing, China, 16-30 June 2012.
- "Nuclear energy density functionals for astrophysics: from BSk16 to
BSk21" pdf given at
the Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics Long-term Workshop:
Dynamics and Correlations in Exotic Nuclei, Kyoto, Japan, 16-28
September 2011.
- "Neutron-star matter with the energy density functional theory" pdf given at the
Gordon Research Conference, New London, New Hampshire, USA, 12-17
June 2011.
- "Superfluidity in neutron star crusts" pdf video
given at the INT Program: Fermions from Cold Atoms to Neutron Stars:
Benchmarking the Many-Body Problem, Institute of Nuclear Theory,
Seattle, Washington, USA, 14 March-20 May 2011
- "Generalized equation of state for superfluid neutron stars" pdf given at the
CoCoNuT Meeting 2010, Valencia, Spain, 15-17 September 2010.
- "A historical perspective on the discovery of neutron stars" pdf given at the Institute of Nuclear Physics
in Orsay, France, 28 June 2010.
- "Superfluid models of neutron stars" pdf given at the
workshop on the Complex Physics of Compact Stars, in Ladek Zdroj,
Poland, 24-29 February 2008.
- "Neutron star crusts beyond the Wigner-Seitz approximation" pdf given at the
International Symposium on Exotic States of Nuclear Matter,
Catania, Italy, 11-15 June 2007.
PHYS-F484: Gravitational Waves
Public lectures in
Astrophysics at Université Libre de Bruxelles

Last updated on 21 November 2017