Envelope tomography

long-period variable stars

A monitoring of LPV stars with the Elodie spectrovelocimeter

This page contains the data collected on a large sample of long-period variable stars (Mira- and semiregular-type variables) monitored with the ELODIE spectrovelocimeter at Observatoire de Haute-Provence between August, 1998 and August, 2000.

The aim of this project, which involves A. Jorissen, M. Dedecker, and R. Alvarez at IAA (Brussels), B. Plez at GRAAL (Montpellier), D. Gillet at Observatoire de Haute-Provence and A. Fokin at Russia Academy of Sciences is to make full use of the powerful technique of cross-correlating the stellar spectrum with carefully designed numerical masks to extract the phase variations of specific sets of spectral lines forming at different depths in the pulsating atmosphere.

This new tomographic technique, developed at IAA, overcomes the difficulty presented by the crowded nature of the spectra of LPVs and allows to follow the progression of the shock wave in the atmosphere. It opens new perspectives for the study of the dynamics of LPVs.

The project was supported by a European Community research grant (TMR Marie Curie Fellowship).


  • The sample (82 LPVs and standard stars): postscript, or ascii
  • Individual cross-correlation function codes (see Paper III) and radial velocity data: postscript, or ascii
  • The mpeg movie [.mpg; 163 kb] of the sequence of cross-correlation functions of RT Cyg (August-September, 1999)
    ->Note: for optimal visualization, you should configurate your mpeg video player with the following parameters: color adjustment: maximum contrast; frame rate: 10 per second; loop play.

Numerical templates

4250 K series3500 K series2800 K series
Template C1Template C1Template C1
Template C2Template C2Template C2
Template C3Template C3Template C3
Template C4Template C4Template C4
Template C5Template C5Template C5
Template C6Template C6
Template C7Template C7
Template C8Template C8



Please send your comments, suggestions and questions to ajorisse@astro.ulb.ac.be