My favourite citations
Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts.
R. Feynman, « What Is Science », 1969, The Physics Teacher, 7(6), 313. doi:10.1119/1.2351388
The vector is to scalar what poetry is to prose.
G. Lemaître
Plus on voit loin, plus on voit jeune : les télescopes sont d'immenses rétroviseurs temporels
A. Acker, Astronomie Astrophysique Introduction, 4ème édition Dunod, 2007
We make our world significant by the courage of our questions and the depth of our answers
C. Sagan
None of my inventions came by accident. I see a worthwhile need to be met and I make trial after trial.
T. Edison, inventor
Spatial missions
- Science with one billion ojects in 3D: Gaia
- PLAnetary Transits and Oscillations stars PLATO, PLATO Science Management, PLATO Wiki
Spectroscopic surveys
- The Gaia-ESO Survey: GES
- The APO Galactic Evolution Experiment: SDSS-APOGEE
- The GALactic Archeology with Hermes: GALAH
- The Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope: LAMOST
Interesting links
Astronomy & Astrophysics
- Astrophysical Picture of the Day Discover the cosmos! Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer.
- Sky Survey Interactive map of the full sky
- Sky Map Interactive map of the full sky
- ESASky ESASky is an application that allows you to visualise and download public astronomical data from space-based missions
- Atlas of the Universe
- TIme, date, eclipse calendar
- Object visibility
- Stellar movies gallery
- Comets (in french)
- SpectroWeb
- GrayStar
- A digital spectral classification atlas
- The Astronomy Cafe
- Ca se passe là haut... (in french)
- Ciel des Hommes (in french)
- Le cosmographe (in fench)
- ISS HD Earth Viewing Experiment, ISS interactive 3D vizualisation, Spot the ISS
- Solar System Dynamics
- Eclipsing binary simulator
- RVS Spectral Library
- http://www.zetetique.ldh.org/bigbang.html
- Cosmic Evolution
- ASCL.net Astrophysics Source Code Library
- Spectral classification History
- Spectral classification Spectra
- Flash spectrum of the Sun
- Julian date converter
- Naming variable stars
- Dark Matter in Galaxy
- Gravity and Orbits
Science and Technology
- L'histoire de la planète (in french)
- Manicore (in french)
- Gapminder
- The scale of the Universe
- Human Body
- Interactive visualizations for interesting data
- Structuring your thoughts
- Energie, Ressources, Climat, Developpement durable (in french)
- ASCII art
- http://www.xavierdupre.fr/
- animagraff
- circles-sines-signals
- Mechanical moves
- Earth: a global map of wind, weather and ocean conditions
- Interactive Nuclide Chart
- Physics simulations
Information and Technology
- Interactive Brute Force Password “Search Space” Calculator
- Force d'un mot de passe
- Full Unicode Input Utility
- Numeral converter (in french)
- Coding Horror
- The Geek Stuff
- Dingus Convert markdown in HTML
- zalgo-text Zalgo text generator
Interesting videos
Visited countries
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